We got a dog hammock for the back of the car and she does well travelling back there with the other dog (helps if someone sits with them) How does your foster do for a bath? Cuba doesn't really like baths but she doesn't really fight very hard, mostly just weathers the storm until it's over.

The kids range from 4-13 in age How does your foster do in the car? Cuba does pretty well in the car, she has been on long drives 2+ hours and generally just lays down and sleeps.

The kids LOVE Cuba and they all do very well together. The Moa Joint Venture is a vertically integrated enterprise, which mines and refines nickel from lateritic sources.
Cuba is a gentle and playful soul and will be a great addition to a home full of fun and love! _ FOSTER QandA General Personality Energetic and playful when interacted with but otherwise calm and cuddly Has she been exposed to any kids? If yes, what ages? How did it go? Yes! Our neighbors have a big family with a lot of kids coming to visit often. One of her favorite activities is looking out the window and watching over the neighborhood. Take some time and help her learn some tricks, she will love the challenge! Cuba adapts quite quickly to new environments and her fun playful personality shines through. She is motivated by praise and treats and is learning more and more by the day. She can also be found relaxing alone and chewing on her favorite bone! Cuba is potty trained (housebroken) and crate trained. Cuba is smart and loving and always ready to receive cuddles and attention. Cuba spent some time in a foster home and here is what they had to say about her: Cuba is an awesome laid-back companion for anything from long walks around the neighborhood to long hours working from home, she is by your side through it all.